December 15 Québec, Qué. The Québec […]
December 15 Québec, Qué. The Québec National Assembly, during a quiet, late-night session, approved the adoption of a sexual orientation amendment to the Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (Bill 88), making Québec the first Canadian province, and the largest political jurisdiction in North America, to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, and access to public services. There was only minor opposition to the amendment, which was signed into law on December 19. This was seen as a major victory for the Canadian gay rights movement, and followed more than three years of lobbying by Québec gay organizations. At the time, it was also felt that the huge October 23, 1977, demonstration against the Truxx raid had helped to bring about a rapid passage of the amendment. The adoption of the amendment was not well covered by the mainstream media.
All Events
December 7 Québec, Qué. An amendment […]October 28 Montréal Québec Justice […]October 25 Montréal In a meeting […]October 22 Montréal More than fifty […]All Places
TruxxQuebec CityAll Monograph
Québec Charter of Human Rights and FreedomsAll Citations
Yvon Thivierge, "Réponse péquiste," GO Info, 4, no. 2 (March 1977) : 5.Yvon Thivierge, "Quebec for Gays; Gays for Quebec?" (letter), Body Politic, no. 42 (1978), p. 3Yvon Thivierge, "Les Gais et le nouveau gouvernement péquiste," GO Info, 4, no. 1 (January 1977) : 2Christophe Tanguay (translated from Lutte Ouvrière), "Quebec Gay Rights Victory: 'Sexual Orientation' in Rights Code," Socialist Voice, 23 January 1978, p. 5"Sex Bias Outlawed in Quebec," Toronto Star, final ed., 26 December 1977, p. A6Stuart Russell and Michael Lynch, "Gay Rights: Oui! Quebec Adds 'Sexual Orientation' to Human Rights Charter in Precedent-setting Move," Body Politic, no. 40 (1978), pp. 4–5Stuart Russell, "Quebec: One Year after Sexual Orientation," Gay Tide, no. 21 (1978), pp. 8–9"Québec protége ses homosexuels," GO Info, 5, no. 1 (15 January 1978) : 1"Quebec Protects Rights of Gays," Gay Rising, January 1978, p. 1"Quebec Enacts Law to Protect Gay Rights," Montreal Star, final ed., 17 January 1978, p. A6Gérard Pollender, "La loi 88: Une grande victoire qu'il faut fêter," Gai(e)s du Québec: Bulletin, 2, no. 1 (February 1978): (10)Raoul Ouellet, "Écrivons!" Le Gaibécois (Québec), 1, no. 6 (February 1978): 2, 5"L'Orientation sexuelle s'est ajoutée à la liste des droits prévus dans la Charte," Le Devoir, 17 January 1978, p. 24Armel Larochelle, "La loi 88" (editorial), Le Gaibécois (Québec), 1, no. 5 (January 1978) : 4William Johnson, "Quebec Legislation Bans Discrimination against Homosexuals," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 24 December 1977, p. 3Robert Harris, "Gay Rights: A Québec First," Gay Calgary, 2, no. 1 (January 1978): (2)Rick Gill, "Sexual Orientation Added to Rights Code," Georgian (Concordia Univ., Montréal), 10 January 1978, p. 1Ron Dayman, Untitled interview, Body Politic, no. 40 (1978), p. 4Ron Dayman, "Québec Rights Bill Passed," Gay Tide, no. 18 (1978), pp. 3, 9Ron Dayman, "Une première victoire pour les gai(e)s du Québec!" Gai(e)s du Québec: Bulletin, 2, no. 1 (February 1978): (1–3)Ron Dayman, "Gays Win Rights in Québec," NGRC Forum, 3, no. 1 (Winter 1978): (2)Comité des communications de l' ADGQ, "Une grande victoire" (editorial), Gai(e)s du Québec: Bulletin, 2, no. 1 (February 1978): (4–5)C.B. (Charles Brabazon), "Only in Quebec? Pity," Rights & Freedoms (Ottawa), no. 33 (1979), pp. 13–14Alain Bouchard, "Répondre à la discrimination par la visibilisation," Club Contact (Montréal), February 1978, p.[1]M.B. (Maurice Beaulieu), "La réaction s'en vient!: Loi 88," Le Gaibécois (Québec), 1, no. 8 (April 1978): 5, 10, 12M.B. (Maurice Beaulieu), "Où en sont nos droits?" Le Gaibécois (Québec), 1, no. 6 (February 1978): 1, 10M.B. (Maurice Beaulieu), "Au sujet de nos droits," Le Gaibécois (Québec), 1, no. 5 (January 1978) : 3