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1972 Don Mills, Ont. Ronald […]




1972 Don Mills, Ont. Ronald Hambleton's The Secret of Jalna was published by Paperjacks. It examined the connection between Mazo de la Roche and her literary creation, Whiteoaks of Jalna, and was designed as a tie-in with the popular CBC -TV series The Whiteoaks of Jalna. In the book, Hambleton mentions the seventy-year-long relationship between De la Roche and her adopted sister Caroline Clement, but is careful to avoid any discussion of their sexual orientation.

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Toronto Mazo de la Roche of Jalna […]

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Don Mills

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Caroline ClementMazo de la RocheRonald Hambleton

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Canadian Broadcasting CorporationPaperJacks

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The Whiteoaks of JalnaWhiteoaks of JalnaThe Secret of Jalna

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Ian Young, Ian Young Letter, Books in Canada 1 (June 1972): 12.Douglas Marshall, "The Dread Canadian Whiteoaks Disease," Books in Canada 1 (February 1972): 12-14Morris Wolfe, "The Secrets of Mazo Remain Well Hidden," Saturday Night, May 1972, pp. 36-37