August 17-26 Vancouver; Saskatoon; […]
1973-08-17 – 1973-08-26
August 17-26 Vancouver; Saskatoon; Toronto; Ottawa; Montréal; Halifax The second annual Gay Pride Week became a national celebration, with a political theme: to express pride in gay sexuality, to bring to the attention of the general public the existence of homosexuals in Canadian society, to work towards the end of discrimination against homosexual people, and in particular to petition for a clause regarding sexual orientation in provincial human rights codes. (See also October 1-6,1973.)
All Events
October 1-6 Winnipeg GFE sponsored […]August Toronto Mayor David Crombie […]May 19-20 Ottawa A meeting of […]All Places
HalifaxMontrealOttawaTorontoSaskatoonVancouverAll Citations
Nancy Walker, "Address by Nancy Walker, Vice-President of CHAT. Given Saturday, August 18,1973," in Gay Directions: Gay Pride Week August 17-26, 1973 (Toronto: CHAT, 1973), pp. 3-9."Saskatoon Won't Be Gay," Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 14 August 1973, p. 4;"1973's Gay Pride Week: A National Event...," Body Politic, no. 10 (1973), p. 7;Rowena Hunnisett, "Gay Pride Week," Other Woman 2 (September-October 1973): 18-19;George Hislop, "Address by George Hislop, President of CHAT. Given on Saturday, August 18,1973," in Gay Directions: Gay Pride Week August 17-26, 1973 (Toronto: CHAT, 1973), pp. 27-35;"Gay Pride Week," Gemini II I (August-September 1973): 3-4;"Gay Arts Festival and Dance Will Open Gay Pride Week," Gay Tide 1 (August 1973): 3;Maurice Flood, "Gays Organize Week of Celebration and Solidarity," Grape (Vancouver) 2 (14-28 August 1973): 17;J. de Y. (J. de Young), "Announcing, Gay Pride Week in Canada!" GAE/Y Monitor 2 (24 August 1973): 1-2;Robert Cook, "Festive Solidarity Marks Gay Pride Week," Gay Tide 1 (October 1973): 1, 7;