May 19-20 Ottawa A meeting of […]
1973-05-19 – 1973-05-20
May 19-20 Ottawa A meeting of representatives of Canadian homophile and gay liberation organizations was held at Pestalozzi College, sponsored by GO. Although many of the sixty delegates were from Ontario, representatives were also sent by groups in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Montréal, Québec City, and Halifax. Workshops were held to discuss political action and organization, the reestablishment and role of the NGEC, the publication of the booklet Homosexuals: A Minority without Rights/Les homosexuels: une minorité sans droits, and a national gay pride week to be held August 17-26, 1973. A dance was held on the final day. (See also June 30-July 1, 1973.)
All Events
June 30-July 1 Toronto […]August 17-26 Vancouver; Saskatoon; […]All Places
HalifaxQuebec CityMontrealSaskatoonVancouverPestalozzi CollegeOttawaAll Organizations
National Groups National Gay Election Coalition NGECGays of Ottawa Gays d'Ottawa GO, Gays of Ottawa Gais de L'Outaouais GOAll Monograph
Homosexuals: A Minority without Rights/Les homosexuels: une minorité sans droitsAll Citations
Joe Young, "Gays Map Cross-Country Actions," Labor Challenge, 11 June 1973, p, 11."Ottawa Meeting," Back/Chat Newsletter 3 (13 June 1973): 2;"National Gay Election Coalition: What It's All About," Body Politic, no. 14 (1974), p, 8;Michael Merrill, "NGEC to Set Strategy," Gay Tide 1 (August 1973): 1, 4;C. Hill, "Ontario Homophile Conference," GO Info, no. 6 (1973), p. 8;"Gays Establish Election Coalition," GO Info, no, 7 (1973), p, 3;"Gays," Gemini 111 (May-June 1974): 2;Gays of Ottawa (GO) papers, 82-017, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;"Canada Election Coalition Formed," Advocate (Los Angeles), no. 114 (1973), p. 20;"Canada: Watch Out," Gemini 111 (May-June 1973): 6;