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May Vancouver The first meetings […]




May Vancouver The first meetings were held to organize the Gay Alliance toward Equality (GATE). On May 30, 1971, Wayne Thompson was elected chairman and spokesman and Marion Cantie chairwoman. Thompson was succeeded as chair by Roedy Green in August 1971, who was succeeded in July 1972 by Maurice Flood. By September 1971, GATE (Vancouver) had rented office space at 1131 Richards Street, no. 105. GATE (Vancouver) was one of the first Canadian groups to plan gay civil rights strategies, advocating public and political programmes aimed at mobilizing people in mass actions to demand their rights, GATE (Vancouver) became known for its no-compromise positions, several of which were adopted as policy and for discussion by the Canadian gay movement; for example, "No Liaison with the Police," "Self-Determination for Québec," and "Abolish All Age of Consent Laws." GATE (Vancouver) published "The Gateway," an occasional news column, in the Georgia Straight between September 1971 and July 1972 and in August 1973 started the influential newspaper Gay Tide, GATE (Vancouver) was active until the end of June 1980. (see also June 27, 1971.)

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June 27 Vancouver The first general […]February Vancouver The Canadian Gay […]November Vancouver The Gay […]

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GATE Vancouver OfficeVancouver

All People

Marion CantieMaurice J. FloodRoedy GreenWayne Thompson

All Organizations

Gay Alliance toward Equality GATE Vancouver

All Periodicals

Gay TideGeorgia Straight

All Articles

The Gateway

All Citations

"Vancouver Gay Liberation," Body Politic, no. i (1971), p. 2.Paul Trollope, "GATE Vancouver Passes into History," Body Politic, no. 65 (1980), p. 11;"New Gay Organization," Georgia Straight, 25-29 June 1971, p. 5;G.K. (Gary Kinsman), "Recovering History: ASK Reunion," Rites 3 (November 1986): 6;"Gay Alliance toward Equality (GATE) (Vancouver)" vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;Gay Alliance toward Equality (GATE) (Vancouver) papers, 82—005, 88—040, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;Margaret Fulford, ed.. The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960–1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960–1990: guide de ressources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives/ECW Press, 1992), entry 133;