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San Francisco, Calif. Elsa Gidlow […]




San Francisco, Calif. Elsa Gidlow began to publish her autobiographical writings in journals such as Frontiers "Footprints in the Sands of the Sacred") and Feminist Studies "Memoirs". "Memoirs," in particular, focused on her adolescence spent in Montréal, before her departure to New York in 1920. Gidlow's autobiography, Elsa, I Come with My Songs: The Autobiography of Elsa Gidlow, was published in San Francisco by Druid Heights Press in 1986.

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New YorkMontrealSan Francisco

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Elsa Gidlow

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Druid Heights Press

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Feminist StudiesFrontiers

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MemoirsFootprints in the Sands of the Sacred

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Elsa, I Come with My Songs: The Autobiography of Elsa Gidlow

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Bruce Russell, Untitled article, Body Politic, no. 71 (1981), p. 31.