Montréal Michel Tremblay's novel […]
Montréal Michel Tremblay's novel Thérèse et Pierrette à l'école des Saints-Anges was published by Leméac. Therese and Pierrette and the Little Hanging Angel, translated by Sheila Fischman, was published in Toronto by McClelland & Stewart in 1984. This work won the Prix France-Québec literary prize in 1981.
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TorontoMontrealAll People
Sheila FischmanMichel TremblayAll Organizations
McClelland and Goodchild, McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart Limited, McClelland & Stewart LimitedÉditions LeméacAll Monograph
Therese and Pierrette and the Little Hanging AngelThérèse et Pierrette à l'école des Saints-AngesAll Citations
Antoine Sirois, "Thérèse et Pierrette à l'école des Saints-Anges," in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec, ed. Gilles Dorion et al., vol. 6 (1976–80) (Montréal: Fides, 1994), pp. 812–15.