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November 15 Vancouver SPAG actively […]




November 15 Vancouver SPAG actively polled candidates for city council, the school board, and the parks board regarding gay issues, in advance of the November 15 Vancouver municipal election. Jack Volrich, who had opposed human rights for minorities and had spoken of the "homosexual problem" in the past, was re-elected to a second term as mayor of Vancouver.

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Jack Volrich

All Organizations

Vancouver City CouncilSociety for Political Action for Gay People/Society for Political Action by Gays

All Citations

Russ Wodell, "The All-Candidates Meeting," SEARCH News, 1, no. 10 (October 23–November 21, 1978): 3–5."Jack's Back," SPAG News (Vancouver), 1, no. 3 (December 1978): 1"Civic Elections Marked by Gaiety," BiLine (Vancouver), 1, no. 2 (November–December 1978): 15"The Civic Election: Realities for the Gay Community," SPAG News (Vancouver), 1, no. 2 (November 1978): 2