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January Québec The 40,000-member […]




January Québec The 40,000-member Syndicat des fonctionnaires provinciaux du Québec (SFPQ)/Quebec Union of Provincial Civil Servants agreed to include sexual orientation as a ground for unlawful discrimination in its collective agreement proposal. This move was the result of lobbying by gay members of the SFPQ in Montréal, Québec City, and Sherbrooke, and the support of the ADGQ.

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SherbrookeQuebec CityMontrealQuébec

All Organizations

The Comité homosexuel anti-repression/Gay Coalition against Repression CHAR GCAR, Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec ADGQ, L’association pour les droits de la communauté gaie du Québec ADGQSyndicat des fonctionnaires provinciaux du Québec

All Citations

Gilles Garneau, "Une autre victoire des gai(e)s," Gai(e)s du Québec: Bulletin, 2, no. 2 (March 1978): (4)."Civil Servants OK Gay Rights," Body Politic, no. 41 (1978), p. 8