February 23 Vancouver Robert Cook of […]
February 23 Vancouver Robert Cook of GATE (Vancouver) presented a brief to a licence renewal hearing of the CRTC to protest CBC radio's continuing refusal to carry gay public service announcements.
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Bob CookAll Organizations
Canadian Broadcasting CorporationCanadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications CommissionGay Alliance toward Equality GATE VancouverAll Citations
Terry Last, "CBC Confused?" NGRC Forum, 3, no. 2 (Spring 1978): (2).Robert Isnor and Robert Cook, "CBC Cops Out Again," Gay Tide, no. 19 (April 1978), p. 2Robin Hardy, "GATE Vancouver Slams CBC at Licence Hearing," Body Politic, no. 42 (1978), p. 7Kathy Ford, "Gays Slam CBC at Licence Hearings," Ubyssey (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver), 24 February 1978, pp. 1, 3Tony Eberts, "CBC Broadcasting Attacked at CRTC Hearing: Spokesmen for Gays, Indians Air Their Complaints," Province (Vancouver), four star ed., 24 February 1978, p. 9