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March Vancouver Mayor Jack Volrich […]




March Vancouver Mayor Jack Volrich called for the closing of clubs in the Davie Street area that "cater to the homosexual crowd" and supported an ongoing police crackdown on the gay community. Volrich was also successful in applying to the provincial government to grant a moratorium on the issuing of liquor licences to establishments in downtown Vancouver, excepting hotels, citing the allegedly frequent calls to the police by these establishments, "especially those catering to homosexuals." (See also April 6, 1977.)

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April 6 Vancouver About 350 gays and […]

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Jack Volrich

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Vancouver Police Department

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"... Yet Again: Volrich," Gay Tide, no. 21 (1978), p. 4.Robert Cook, "350 Demand End to Police Harassment," Body Politic, no. 33 (1977), p. 1