June 7 Dade County, Fla. Former […]
June 7 Dade County, Fla. Former beauty queen and Florida orange juice spokesperson Anita Bryant, her husband, Bob Green, and their fundamentalist Christian organization, Save Our Children, Inc., had lobbied for a public referendum, which on this day successfully repealed (by a vote of 69 to 31 percent) a county ordinance that prohibited discrimination based on "affectional or sexual preference" in the areas of housing, public accommodations, and employment. This was a major battle and was seen as the first defeat in the struggle for gay civil rights in the United States. Save Our Children's tactics included an early, successful use of the fear of "child molestation," which would be used by anti-gay forces during the remainder of the 1970s and throughout the 1980s. The ruling in Dade County sparked anti-Bryant protests and a boycott of Florida orange juice by progressives throughout the United States and Canada.
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January 18 Miami, Fla. The Miami […]All Places
CanadaUnited States of AmericaDade CountyAll People
Bob GreenAnita BryantAll Organizations
Save Our ChildrenFlorida Orange JuiceAll Citations
Robert Wallace, "Thank You, Anita," Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), p. 12.David Thorstad, "What Is to Be Done," Gay Tide, no. 17 (September 1977), pp. 2, 7Mike Thompson (interviewed), "Anita Bryant's Crusade: Where Next?," Conservative Digest (Falls Church, Va.), August 1977, pp. 10–13"Their Giant Anita Our Mini-Bryants" (editorial), Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), p. 2Adon Taft, "Anita on Crusade," Christian Life, June 1977, pp. 16–17, 59–61"Riposte massive à Anita Bryant," Gai(e)s du Québec: Bulletin, 1, no. 2 (August 1977): (1–7)Terry Phillips, "Canada vs. Bryant" (letter), Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), p. 2"Orange Growers Nervous Bryant May Lose Contract," Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), p. 12Michael Merrill, "Life after Dade," Body Politic, no. 39 (1977–78), pp. 12–14Robert K. Martin, "Anita and Hester," Christopher Street, 2, no. 2 (August 1977): 43–46"Help Boycott Orange Juice," Gay Blade, 1, no. 4 (October 1977): (2)Harvey Hamburg, "Bryant's Bible-thumping Backfires, Gays May Win Vote," Body Politic, no. 34 (1977), p. 7Harvey Hamburg, "Anita Takes Miami Gays to Fight On: Dade County Rejects Gay Rights Ordinance," Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), pp. 1, 12Harvey Hamburg, "Anita Aftermath: A New Visibility, A Tragic Death," Body Politic, no. 36 (1977), p. 5Eric Gordon, "The Ballad of Anita Bryant," Body Politic, no. 35 (1975), p. 12David Gibson, "Gays Rally in Wake of Vote," Body Politic, no. 35 (1977), p. 12"The Gaycott Turns Ugly," Time (Canadian ed.), 21 November 1977, p. 15"Gaycott!! Florida Oranges," After Stonewall, no. 3 (1977), p. 9–10"Gay Rights Showdown in Miami," Time (Canadian ed.), 13 June 1977, p. 11Gay Alliance toward Equality, "GATE Answers Phillips" (letter), Body Politic, no. 36 (1977), p. 2"Farewell to Anita," Body Politic, no. 37 (1977), p. 4"Fanatical Bigot of the Year," Gay Rising, March 1977, p. 1"'Enough! Enough! Enough!'" Time (Canadian ed.), 20 June 1977, pp. 57–58George Edin, "Miami Gays Need Your Help," After Stonewall, no. 2 (1977), pp. 6–7George Edin, "Bigots Win First Round," After Stonewall, no. 3 (1977), pp. 8–9"Don't Quit Now," MCN West (Vancouver), 16 June 1977, pp. 1, 3"The Band Gets Bigger," Time (Canadian ed.), 11 July 1977, p. 19"Anti-homosexual Group Plans New Campaign throughout U.S.," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 9 June 1977, p. 11"Anita's Circle," Time (Canadian ed.), 2 May 1977, p. 57"Anita Bryant Has Blood on Her Hands," After Stonewall, no. 2 (1977), p. 8