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November 3 Scarborough, Ont. […]




November 3 Scarborough, Ont. Adrienne Potts (one of the Brunswick Four) and one other woman, members of Radical Lesbian Feminists, disrupted the televised 1975 Miss Canada Pageant at the CFTO studio by storming onto the stage and protesting the sexism of the event. They were part of a group often lesbians who arrived to protest the pageant. Television viewers did not see the protest.

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CTFO studioScarborough

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Adrienne Potts

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Radical Lesbians

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Untitled photograph. Body Politic, no. 22 (1975), p. 7."The Other Woman Speaks to the Miss Canada Pageant Protesters" (interview). Other Woman 4 (December 1975-January 1976): 3, 22;"Lesbians Storm Beauty Pageant," Toronto Sun, final ed., 4 November 1975, pp. 1 (photo), 20;Dennis Braithwaite, "CFTO Ignored a Great Moment," Toronto Star, four star ed., 5 November 1975, p. E20;"Beauty Contests" (editorial). Other Woman 4 (December 1975-January 1976): 2;