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February 24 Saskatoon Doug Hellquist […]




February 24 Saskatoon Doug Hellquist and Bruce Garman of Saskatoon Gay Action met with the board of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission to discuss sexual orientation and the provincial Bill of Rights Act. They were encouraged to submit a brief to the Commission, which they did in March 1973. (See also August 25, 1973.)

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August 25 Vancouver; Toronto […]

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Bruce GarmanD. Gens Hellquist

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Saskatchewan Human Rights CommissionGay Alliance toward Equality GATE, Gay Students Alliance GSA, Saskatoon Gay Action, Zodiac Friendship Society, Gay Community Centre of Saskatoon

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Bill of Rights Act

All Citations

"Saskatoon Gay Action," Zodiac Friendship Society Information 2 (May 1973): 3-"Breakthrough with Human Rights," Zodiac Friendship Society Information 2 (Match 1973): 3;