August 25 Vancouver; Toronto […]
August 25 Vancouver; Toronto Simultaneous demonstrations for the inclusion of a sexual orientation clause in provincial human rights codes took place as part of Gay Pride Week. In Vancouver, about 100 people (mostly male) attended the rally at the courthouse. Few women took part in the demonstration because many lesbians felt that the protest was geared towards fighting gay male oppression and ignored the concerns of women.
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February 24 Saskatoon Doug Hellquist […]All Places
TorontoVancouverAll Citations
"Vancouver Rally Marks Canada Gay Pride Week," Advocate (Los Angeles), no, 121 (1973), p. 14.Pat Smith, "Why I Didn't Go to the Gay Pride Rally," Pedestal 6 (January 1974): 15 (reprinted inLong Time Coming[May-June 1974]:20-22);Adrienne Potts, "Adrienne Potts' Speech for Gay Pride March," Other Woman 2 (September-October 1973): 20;Rowena Hunnisett, "Gay Pride Week," Other Woman 2 (September-October 1973): 18-19;"Gays Converge on Ontario House," Gay Tide 1 (October 1973): 3;Maurice Flood, "Gay Rights Rally Will Demand 'Sexual Orientation' Protection," Gay Tide 1 (August 1973): 1;Robert Cook, "Festive Solidarity Marks Gay Pride Week," Gay Tide 1 (October 1973): 1, 7;"Claim Our Rights," Body Politic, no. 9 (1973), p. 1;