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Spring Montreal Francine Pelletier […]
1981-03 – 1981-05
Spring Montreal Francine Pelletier published an opinion piece in La Vie en Rose titled "Une femme, deux femmes...beaucoup de voyeurs", in which she reviewed a colloquium about the eroticism of homosexual women (Colloque sur le vécu érotique des femmes homosexuelles, intitulé « Une femme, deux femmes » UQAM, December 7, 1980, Montreal). She deplored the fact that the majority of individuals who showed up were there as voyeurs, and did not come to discuss and understand women's eroticism. Pelletier also condemned the fact that the colloquium organizers allowed for a mixed audience who had a somewhat naive and misplaced understanding of lesbianism, homosexuality, and women's realities.