June 20–28 Montréal Almost 15,000 […]
1981-06-20 – 1981-06-28
June 20–28 Montréal Almost 15,000 lesbians, gay men, and their supporters celebrated the third annual Gay Pride Week (called "Gai-e lon la"), which coincided with the Québec Fête nationale held June 24, 1981. Events were held at Dominion Square and featured many social activities, an open-air dance, and a gay pride march on June 27. The events were organized by ADGQ; the Corporation de la fête nationale granted $8,125 to help pay for the festivities.
All Places
Dominion SquareMontrealAll Organizations
Corporation de la fête nationaleThe Comité homosexuel anti-repression/Gay Coalition against Repression CHAR GCAR, Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec ADGQ, L’association pour les droits de la communauté gaie du Québec ADGQAll Citations
Stuart Russell, "Pride and Panache: Montreal," Body Politic, no. 76 (1981), p. 9.Jean Paul and Mario Michel, "La Fête nationale 1981—Perspectives 'Fêtons gai-e-ment la Gai-e-lon-la,'" Le Berdache, no. 20 (1981), p. 10Mario Michel, "La Gai-e-lon-la 1981," Le Berdache, no. 23 (1981), pp. 6–7Mario Michel, "Fête Nationale du Québec …," Le Berdache, no. 21 (1981), p. 7"Les gais de Montréal fêtent la St-Jean au Carré Dominion," Le Devoir, 18 June 1981, p. 9Ron Dayman, "Grant Funds Quebec Fête," Body Politic, no. 74 (1981), p. 16