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May 16–18 Vancouver More than 500 […]


1981-05-16 – 1981-05-18


May 16–18 Vancouver More than 500 women participated in the fifth Bi-national Lesbian Conference, held at Langara College. The event drew women from across Canada to discuss priorities such as childcare, fighting the Right, and the formation of a national lesbian organization. There were plenary sessions, workshops, an art display ("Woman to Woman," at the Women in Focus Gallery), and a dance featuring the lesbian rock band Mama Quilla II (with Lorraine Segato). More than 200 women marched in Canada's first lesbian pride march, from Robson Square through downtown Vancouver to the WECC. A final report, Lesbian Power: Organizing for the 80s, was published after the conference.

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West End Community CentreRobson SquareVancouver

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Lorraine Segato

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Mama Quilla II

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Lesbian Power: Organizing for the 80s

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Francie Wyland, "Two Breakthroughs: Conferences in Vancouver and South America," Grapevine: The Newsletter of the Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund, Fall 1981, pp. 1–2."Vancouver Lesbian Conference Report," Lesbian/Lesbienne Newsletter, no. 2 (1981), pp. 2–3Martine Tremblay, "Conférence lesbienne 1981," Le Berdache, no. 29 (1982), pp. 15–16Lisa Steele, interviewing Sara Diamond and Helen Mintz, "Fighting the Right: Lesbians Propose a Fight on All Fronts to Counter the Growth of Right-wing Activities," FUSE, August–September 1981, pp. 211–15Art Perry, "Lesbian Art Display Witty and Sensitive" (review), Vancouver Province, three star ed., 29 May 1981, p. B3"Organizing Committee Lesbian Conference 1981...," Gay Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), November 1980, p. (1)Christine Morissette, Letter, VGCC News, 2, no. 7 (July 1981): 21"Lesbian Rights," Kinesis, June 1981, p. 7"Lesbian Conference Seen as a Milestone," Vancouver Sun, three star ed., 19 May 1981, p. A12"Lesbian Conference (1981: Vancouver, B.C.)" vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, TorontoDorothy Kidd, "1981 Lesbian Conference," VGCC News, 2, no. 6 (June 1981): 14Margaret Fulford, ed., The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960–1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960–1990: guide de ressources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives /ECW Press, 1992), entry 67Maureen FitzGerald and Daphne Morrison, "Lesbian Conference: Agony and Audacity," Broadside, 2, no. 9 (July 1981): 4Diane Fisher, "1981 Lesbian Conference: Proposals from Workshops at the Conference," Gaze, September 1981, pp. (5–7) and Gaze, November 1981, pp. (5–7)R.C., "Vancouver Lesbian Conference," Making Waves (Halifax), no. 2 (1981), p. 7Chris Bearchell, "Lesbian Pride March Is a First for Canada," Body Politic, no. 74 (1981), p. 101981 Lesbian Conference Committee, "1981 Lesbian Conference," VGCC News, 2, no. 3 (March 1981): 16"1981 Lesbian Conference," Gaze, June 1981, p. (4)"1981 Bi-national Lesbian Vandykescouver, B.C., Conference!" Lavender Sheets (LOOT), Summer 1980, p. (3)