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February 11-15 Vancouver Gay People […]


1980-02-11 – 1980-02-15


February 11-15 Vancouver Gay People of UBC sponsored the first Gay Week at the University of British Columbia. Events included lectures, films, a debate, a Valentine's Day dance, and a talk by American feminist activist Kate Millett. Tim Stevenson, president of Gay People of UBC, spoke to a luncheon gathering of fifty people at the UBC Faculty Club. During his talk Stevenson declared that bigots such as Anita Bryant could have a positive impact on the gay community by shaking gays out of complacency and inspiring them to be more vocal in pressing for recognition and equal rights.

All Places

University of British ColumbiaVancouver

All People

Anita BryantTim StevensonKate Millett

All Organizations

UBC Faculty ClubGay People's Alliance GPA, Gay People of UBC GPUBC

All Citations

"UBC's Gay Week: They're Off and Running," VGCC News 1 (April 1980): 16."UBC's Gay Week a Great Success," VGCC News 1 (March 1980): 3"Millett: Work against Violence," VGCC News 1 (March 1980): 10–12Vince Manis, "Round-up of Gay UBC Week: Frontlines," BiLine (Vancouver) 2 (March 1980): 16"Lesbian Priest Slams Critics," Regina Leader-Post, 16 February 1980, p. 40"Gay Week Events," Gay People of UBC News (Vancouver), March 1980, p. (2)"Gay Week 1980," Ubyssey (Univ. of British Columbia), 8 February 1980, p. 8"Gay Week 1980," Gay People of UBC News (Vancouver), special edition, (February 1980), p. 1Heather Conn, "Bryant 'Could Inspire Gays,'" Ubyssey (Univ. of British Columbia), 12 February 1980, pp. 1, 3