April 11 Toronto CGRO filed a letter […]
April 11 Toronto CGRO filed a letter of complaint with Revenue Canada against Ken Campbell's Renaissance International. CGRO maintained that Renaissance International had engaged in political activities against gays and lesbians, thus violating its charitable status under the Income Tax Act. Renaissance had sponsored Anita Bryant's Christian Liberation Crusade in January 1978. Revenue Canada revoked the group's charitable status later in 1980, stating that Renaissance had "devoted resources to activities that are not charitable." Campbell appealed the decision to the Federal Court of Appeal.
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Bob Wells, "CGRO Takes Aim at Renaissance Int'l.," Body Politic, no. 64 (1980), p. 14."Tax-free Money Used to Fight Gays?" Gay Niagara News, 1, no. 6 (June 1980): 1, 3Craig Patterson, "Renaissance Fights to Keep Charity Status," Body Politic, no. 70 (1981), p. 15"Militant 'K'ristian Group May Lose Charitable Status," Gay Niagara News, 2, no. 1 (January 1981): 6Michael McAteer, "Tax Row Back to Court: Religious Group Not Charity, Ottawa Says," Toronto Star, Sunday ed., 3 May 1981, p. B16Patricia Horsford, "Group Fights to Keep Status as Charity," Globe and Mail, Christmas ed., 25 December 1980, p. 4"Government Should Re-define 'Charitable,'" Gay Niagara News, 2, no. 2 (February 1981): 5"CGRO Challenges Tax Status of Renaissance," Metro Community News 7 (May 1980): 1"Attempts to Change Renaissance Blamed on Militant Homosexuals," Oakville Beaver, 7 January 1981, p. 2