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March 23 Vancouver After nearly a […]




March 23 Vancouver After nearly a year of fundraising and organizing, the 275 members of the VGCC elected a board of directors. Grace Flesher and Wayne Hellard were the first co-chairs of the twenty-member board, which held ten male and ten female positions. On April 9, 1980, the VGCC was incorporated under the British Columbia Societies Act.

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Wayne HellardGrace Flesher

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Vancouver Gay Community Centre Society

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British Columbia Societies Act

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"New People, New Plans," VGCC News 1, 1, no. 3 (April 1980): 5–6.David Myers, "Gay Centre Election Results: Frontlines," BiLine (Vancouver), 2, no. 2 (1980): 6"Gay Centre Project Closer to Realization," Body Politic, no. 63 (1980), p. 10"Gay Centre Board Formed," West Ender (Vancouver), 27 March 1980, p. 7