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April–May Vancouver Although the […]


1976-04 – 1976-05


April–May Vancouver Although the first meeting of Dignity Vancouver took place at Jim Dorion's apartment on September 15, 1975, it did not become an official chapter of the international group for gay Roman Catholics until April–May 1976. Gary Thompson served as pro tem president; Ernest Neumann was elected Dignity Vancouver's first president in June 1976. Dignity Vancouver began to meet at St. Paul's Church, 381 East Cordova Street. It grew slowly, and had thirty-five members by November 1979.

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Saint Paul’s ChurchVancouver

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Ernest NeumannGary ThompsonJim Dorion

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Dignity Vancouver

All Citations

"Dignity Vancouver Celebrates It's (sic) Fourth Birthday," Dignity Vancouver, November 1979, pp. (1–2)