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April Calgary Planning started for […]




April Calgary Planning started for the establishment of the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch, dedicated to drag, social fraternity, and community fundraising. For the first two months of organizing, the group operated under the charter of the Scarth Street Society. In June 1976 it was granted its own charter by the Mother Court of Canada, the Dogwood Monarchist Society and Imperial Dogwood Court, Vancouver.

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Dogwood Monarchist Society and Imperial Dogwood CourtScarth Street SocietyThe Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch

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"Our History," ISCCA website (, accessed 23 March 2014.Russ Pritchard, "The Imperial Court of the Chinook Arch," Gay Moods (GIRC, Calgary), June 1977, pp. 2–3"Gale Comin" (profile), Body Politic, no. 66 (1980), p. 20