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February 21 Canada John Hofsess's […]




February 21 Canada John Hofsess's profile of John Damien, entitled "Damien's Exile," was published in Weekend Magazine, a Saturday supplement distributed in twenty-one Canadian newspapers with a readership of five million. The profile received positive feedback from the public, but some gay activists felt that Hofsess had downplayed Damien's homosexuality and the importance of his case to the gay movement. (See also March 30, 1976.)

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March 30 Toronto Charles MacNaughton […]

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John DamienJohn Hofsess

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Weekend Magazine

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Damien's Exile

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Stephen Shirreffs, "John Damien" (letter), Body Politic, no. 25 (1976), p. 2.Michael Lynch, "Defending Damien," Body Politic, no. 37 (1977), pp. 1, 11John Hofsess, "Damien's Exile: What John Damien Represents and Defends Is Not Homosexuality But Human Dignity," Weekend Magazine, 21 February 1976, pp. 14–17, 19Gerald Hannon, "The Marketing of John Damien," Body Politic, no. 24 (1976), p. 15