November 24 Ottawa Minister of […]
November 24 Ottawa Minister of Employment and Immigration Bud Cullen introduced the new proposed Immigration Act (1976), which contained no reference to homosexuals. In the old 1952 Immigration Act, homosexuals were barred from admission to Canada under a section entitled "Prohibited Classes." This was seen as a victory by the gay movement, which had urged the removal of this archaic restriction. (See also July 25, 1977.)
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July 23–August 1 Vancouver Gay Unity […]November 9 Windsor, Ont. The […]All Places
CanadaOttawaAll People
Jack CullenAll Organizations
Ministry of Employment and ImmigrationAll Monograph
Immigration ActAll Citations
Stuart Russell, "Gays Win Rights under New Law," McGill Daily (McGill Univ., Montréal), 9 December 1976, p. 20.Stuart Russell, "Ban on Homosexual Immigrants Removed: Victory for Gay Movement," Labor Challenge, 20 December 1976, p. 4"Le projet de loi sur l'immigration: aucun pouvoir nouveau aux provinces," Le Devoir, 25 November 1976, p. 7"New Immigration Act Ambiguous," Gay Tide, no. 15 (February 1977), p. 8D.H. (Doug Hellquist), "A Victory?," Gay Community Centre of Saskatoon News, December 1976, p. (6)"Gays Win on Immigration Act," Gay Rising, December 1976, p. 3D.G. (David Garmaise), "Our First Victory!" NGRC Forum, 2, no. 1 (Winter 1977) : 1David Garmaise, "Gays Win Immigration Fight: Gays & Politics," GO Info, 4, no. 1 (January 1977) : 7