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October 31—November 1 Vancouver […]


1975-10-31 – 1975-11-01


October 31—November 1 Vancouver Eight lesbian rights policy proposals (ranging from child custody to housing and the age of consent), developed by the Rights of Lesbians Subcommittee of the British Columbia Federation of Women (BCFW), were presented for adoption at the second annual convention of the BCFW, held at Capilano College. One proposal rejecting the abolition of age-of-consent laws, arguing that such a move would worsen the sexual exploitation of young women, was particularly controversial in that it opposed the stand taken by the NGRC/CNDH.

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October Vancouver During the […]

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Capilano CollegeVancouver

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National Gay Rights Coalition Coalition nationale pour les droits des homosexuels NGRC CNDH, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition / Coalition canadienne pour les droits des lesbiennes et des gais (CLGRC / CCDLG)BC Federation of Women (BCFW)Rights of Lesbians Subcommittee, B.C. Federation of Women

All Citations

Ken Popert, "Lesbian Group Supports Age-of-Consent Laws," Body Politic, no, 23 (1976), p. 1."News: Lesbian Rights Recognized," Long Time Coming 3 (April-May 1976): 37;"Lesbian Rights Policy Proposals to the B.C. Federation of Women," Pedestal: A Lesbian-Feminist Newspaper 7 (October-November 1975): 6-7;