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December Waterloo, Ont. When five […]




December Waterloo, Ont. When five lesbians (including Candis Graham, Marie Robertson, and Margaret Telegdi) tried to rent a house, the landlord agreed to rent to them only if they paid extra money because of the problems he believed were intrinsic to renting to homosexuals. When the landlord refused to change his position, the women attempted to lodge a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), but were told that the OHRC had no jurisdiction over this form of discrimination. The women then reported the incident to the press; it was reported by the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and by a CTV affiliate. Although an informal lesbian drop-in had existed in Waterloo for several months, it was this event that led to the formation of the Waterloo Lesbian Collective, which held a weekly drop-in at the Women's Place, 25 Dupont Street E. The Collective was active in CGRO and was represented by Candis Graham and Marie Robertson at CGRO'S founding conference in January 1975.

All Places

Woman's PlaceKitchener-Waterloo

All People

Margaret TelegdiMarie RobertsonCandis Graham

All Organizations

Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario CGROWaterloo Lesbian CollectiveCanadian Television NetworkOntario Human Rights Commission

All Periodicals

Kitchner Waterloo Record

All Citations

Marie Robertson and Ken Popert, "Lesbians Expose Landlord," Body Politic, no. 18 (1975). P- 9-" Marie Robertson " vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;"Lesbian Feminist Group Established," Body Politic, no. 17 (1975), p. 7;" Lesbian Collective (Waterloo)" vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;Margaret Fulford, ed.. The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960–1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960–1990: guide de ressources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives/ECW Press, 1992), entry 419;Pd.V. (Peter de Vries), "K-W Lesbians Fight Rental Bias," Gay Rising 1 (April 1975): 3;