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November Montréal Thirty to forty […]




November Montréal Thirty to forty lesbians formed a demonstration line outside of Madame Arthur's, 2170, rue Bishop, for three nights after the Madame Arthur's Riot, during which lesbian customers had rebelled against a long series of incidents of sexism and physical violence on the part of male waiters and management ofthe club. At that time, Madame Arthur's was one of the major lesbian bars in Montreal. The picketing of the club was the beginning of an organized boycott; within six months Madame Arthur's had closed.

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Madame Arthur'sMontreal

All Citations

P. Tavormina, "Le bar Madame Arthur et le mouvement des lesbiennes de 1970 à 1975/Madame Arthur and the Lesbian Movement 1970-75," Amazones d'hier lesbiennes d'aujourd'hui (Montreal), no. 22 (1991), pp. 104-23.Leslie Orchard, "Fighting Back," Long Time Coming 2 (December 1974): 31-33;"Montreal Gay Bars," Other Woman 3 (Winter 1975): 25;Ross Higgins, "Repression et resistance gaie," unpublished typescript , ca. 1982, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto, p. 15;