July 8 Canada The federal election […]
July 8 Canada The federal election marked the culmination of more than a year's work by the NGEC, a concerted effort by twenty gay organizations across Canada to make gay civil rights an issue in federal elections. Questionnaires regarding positions on gay issues were sent to all candidates, as was the booklet Homosexuals: A Minority without Rights/Les homosexuels: une minorité sans droits. Results of the questionnaires were reported in the NGEC Newsletter.
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National Groups National Gay Election Coalition NGECAll Periodicals
NGEC NewsletterAll Monograph
Homosexuals: A Minority without Rights/Les homosexuels: une minorité sans droitsAll Citations
Tom Warner, "NGEC: Model for a National Movement," Body Politic, no. 15 (1974), pp. 16-17,"Some Answers to NGEC Questionnaire," Metro Community News i (14 June 1974): 3;Stan Persky, "Gay Election Coalition Demands Answers," Western Voice, 12-25 June 1974, p, 5;"No Small Accomplishment" (editorial). Body Politic, no, 14 (1974), p, 2;"National Gay Election Coalition Questionnaire," Club '70 News, July 1974, pp, 2-3;"National Gay Election Coalition: What It's All About," Body Politic, no. 14 (1974), p. 8;"National Gay Election Coalition," Gay West, no, i (1974), p, 5;"National Gay Election Coalition," Club '70 News, June 1974, pp, 8-9;"Legal Reform: Gay McGill Goes Ahead with NGEC," Gay News 2 (Xmas 1973): 4-6;"How the Candidates Responded," Gay Tide i (August 1974): 7, 8, 9;"Homosexuals Mobilize for Federal Election," UWOHA Newsletter 3 (June 1974): 11;Gays of Ottawa (GO) papers and inventory, 82-017/05(03), Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;"Cross-Country Campaign 74," Gay Tide i (August 1974): 6;"Candidates Polled Favor Immigration Law Change," Body Politic no. 15 (1974), p, 8;