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Montréal Jean LeDerff's book about […]




Montréal Jean LeDerff's book about gay men and urban gay life, Homosexuel? Et pourquoi pas!, was published by Ferron Editeur. This was one of the first positive books on gay liberation published in Canada.

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Jean LeDerff

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Ferron Editeur

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Homosexuel? Et pourquoi pas!

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Jean-Guy Prince, "Les carnets de Jean-Guy Prince" (column). Gay Montréal (14 December 1976) : 29.Ken Popert, "The Best Yet," Body Politic, no. n (1974), p. 10;Ron Dayman, "Quebec: Five Years of the Movement," Body Politic, no. 29 (1976-77), p. 22;Jean-Francois Courcelles, "Pour Jean LeDerff, l'homosexuel irrite la société, car il ne joue pas le jeu du dominateur," Gay Montréal 1 (10 August 1976): 18;