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September 23 Vancouver Prime […]




September 23 Vancouver Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was met by about forty members of CGAA picketing in front of the Georgia Hotel, where Trudeau was scheduled to appear on an open-line radio show. The picketers were opposed to anti-gay laws. After the show, Trudeau came back onto the street and talked briefly to Dick Rulens, chairperson of CGAA, who gave Trudeau some literature published by the CGAA. Later that evening members of GATE (Vancouver) demonstrated outside of the Showmart at the Pacific National Exhibition, where Trudeau gave a speech.

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Pacific National ExhibitionHotel Georgia VancouverVancouver

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Dick RulensPierre Trudeau

All Organizations

Gay Alliance toward Equality GATE VancouverCanadian Gay Activists Alliance CGAA

All Citations

Bob Hunter, Column, Vancouver Sun, four star ed., 27 September 1972, p. 45."Gays & PET," Gay Canadian 1 (November 1972): 3,5;" Canadian Gay Activists Alliance (CGAA)" vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;