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February 26 Montréal Singer and […]




February 26 Montréal Singer and journalist Michel Girouard and pianist Réjean Tremblay signed business partnership and personal union contracts in Canada's first widely publicized gay marriage ceremony, held at a downtown discotheque. The couple was married by the Rev. Boniface Grosveld of the Congregation of the Beloved Disciple, Old Catholic. Girouard and Tremblay also travelled to Los Angeles, where their marriage vows were solemnized on March 17, 1972, at the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) by Rev. Troy Perry.

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Metropolitan Community Churches TorontoLos AngelesMontreal

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Troy PerryBoniface GrosveldRéjean TremblayMichel Girouard

All Citations

"Talk about Gay Weddings...: A Legal First in Canada?" Advocate (Los Angeles), no. 82 (1972), pp, 1, 15,"News of the Gay: Montreal," Body Politic, no. 3 (1972), p, 9;"Michel: toujours 'star' 15 ans après le scandale," Sortie, no. 50 (1987), p, 9;"Michel Girouard et son ami à la défense des 200,000 homosexuels québécois," Nouvelles Illustrées 19 (12 February 1972): 1-4;"Le 'mariage' Michel Girouard/Réjean Tremblay," Document flash 2 (1972): 32 pp.;"Le mariage!" Open Doors 2 (May 1972): 1—2;"MCC Coming to Canada, Perry Says in Montreal," Advocate (Los Angeles), no, 83 (1972), p. 34;"Homosexual Pair Become Partners in Public, Private," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 28 February 1972, p, 9;Eric Devlin, "Réjean Tremblay: 'J'ai été dépassé par les événements': commentant son mariage avec Michel Girouard" (interview), Gay Montréal 1 (19 October 1976): 18-19;Eric Devlin, "Michel Girouard: 'Oui, mon mariage a changd quelque chose au Quebec" (interview). Gay Montréal 1 (7 September 1976): 4-5;Rob Cole, " 'Of Course They're Seeking Publicity, but That's Part of Their Way of Life,'" Advocate (Los Angeles), no, 83 (1972), p, 3;Rob Cole, "A Marriage for Liberation," Advocate (Los Angeles), no, 83 (1972), pp, 1-3, 34;