Montréal Michel Audy's film Corps et […]
Montréal Michel Audy's film Corps et âme/Body and Soul was released. Starring Jacques Pothier, Pierre Héroux, and Danièle Panneton, the film depicted the close friendship between a young pianist and another man. The pianist falls into a great depression when his friend is killed in an accident.
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Danièle PannetonPierre HérouxJacques PothierMichel AudyAll Monograph
Corps et âme/Body and SoulAll Citations
Thomas Waugh, "Négres blancs, tapettes et 'butch': les lesbiennes et les gais dans le cinéma québécois," Copie Zéro, no. 11 (1981), p. 24.D.J. Turner and Micheline Morisset, eds., Canadian Feature Film Index, 1913-1985/Index des films canadiens de long métrage (Ottawa: Public Archives, National Film, Television, and Sound Archives, 1987), entry 354