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January 20, 22 Toronto Members of […]




January 20, 22 Toronto Members of TGA handed out leaflets in front of the Parkside Tavern, 530 Yonge Street, one of the city's major gay taverns, TGA was protesting the entrapment of gays in the tavern's downstairs washroom by plainclothes members of Toronto's morality squad. Management of the tavern had allowed the policemen to hide in an adjacent room to peer through holes in the air vents to wait to arrest people for performing sexual acts in public. At least ten people were arrested in the Parkside's downstairs washroom in January 1972. On January 27, during a meeting between Norman Bolter, owner of the Parkside, and George Hislop of CHAT, it was agreed that the police trap would be closed. Hislop later met with Deputy Chief Jack Ackroyd to discuss the ongoing entrapment and arrest of gay men in local parks and subway washrooms. (see also February 4,1972.)

All Events

February 4 Toronto George Hislop […]

All Places

Parkside TavernToronto

All People

Jack AckroydGeorge HislopNorman Bolter

All Organizations

Toronto Police ServiceCommunity Homophile Association of Toronto CHATToronto Gay Action TGA

All Citations

(Peter Zorzi), "Piss on Police at Parkside: Gays Unite," Guerilla 2 (26 January 1972): 4-5.Pete (Peter Zorzi), "Can Two Morality Dicks Find True Love Behind an Air Vent?" Guerilla 2 (2 February 1972): 18-19;"UTHA," Guerilla 1 (27 November 1970): 5;"20 'T-Room' Arrests Hit in Toronto," Advocate (Los Angeles), no. 80 (1972), p. 10;Dave Scott, "Police and Homosexuals Co-operate to Stop Offences in Parks, Subways," Toronto Star, four star ed., 6 April 1972, p. 27;"The Parkside Passion Play Continued," Back Chat Newsletter, March 1972, pp. 4-5;"The Parkside Passion Play," Back Chat Newsletter, February 1972, pp. 1-3;