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Summer Winnipeg Several people began […]


1971-06 – 1971-08


Summer Winnipeg Several people began to meet regularly to plan the formation of a private social club for lesbians and gay men. Monthly meetings/socials were soon held at different locations. The Happenings Club was eventually granted a charter by the provincial government in June 1973, and by October 1973 had permanent premises at 242 Manitoba Avenue. The Club saw itself as strictly a social centre for lesbians and gay men, as opposed to a force for political action, and sponsored many dances, parties, a bowling league, a newsletter, and other activities. By June 1975 the Happenings Club had issued 743 memberships.

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Happenings Club CentreWinnipeg

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Happenings Club

All Citations

"Report of the Membership Committee," What's Happening!, Summer 1975, p. 10."Editorial," What's Happening!, August 1975, pp. 1-2;"Editorial," What's Happening! (March 1974): 1-2;