October 15 Montréal Denis Héroux's […]
October 15 Montréal Denis Héroux's film L'amour humain/The Awakening/Virgin Lovers), starring Louise Marleau and Jacques Riberolles, opened at Le Parisien theatre. In the film a priest and a nun leave the religious life to marry, but find that they are incompatible sexually. The man becomes involved briefly with a transvestite singer, who is married to a lesbian.
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Jacques RiberollesLouise MarleauDenis HérouxAll Monograph
L'amour humain/The Awakening/Virgin LoversAll Citations
D.J. Turner and Micheline Morisset, eds., Canadian Feature Film Index, 1913-1985/Index des films canadiens de long métrage (Ottawa: Public Archives, National Film, Television, and Sound Archives, 1987), entry 307.Kenneth Thompson, "Feature Films: Amour humain L'(Virgin Lovers)," Monthly Film Bulletin, May 1972, p. 91Prat., "L'amour humain (The Awakening)," Variety, 9 June 1971, p. 17