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February 6 Montréal An article by […]




February 6 Montréal An article by Norm Williams published in the Montreal Star discussed the increasing number of homosexuals being convicted in Montreal for soliciting, obscene displays, and "acting in a manner as to shock citizens." His research had been spurred by a comment made by Municipal Court Judge Pascal Lachapelle that homosexuality was on the rise in the city. Convictions for homosexual activities had increased from 25 in 1960 to 166 in 1964. Williams also interviewed members of Montreal's morality squad, who discussed gay night spots in town.

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Pascal LachapelleNorm Williams

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Montréal Municipal Court

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Montréal Star

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Norm Williams, "Says Homosexuals on Increase Here: Judge's Observation," Montreal Star, final ed., 6 February 1965, p. 59.Jean Cote, "L'homosexualité: les policiers de Montreal face a un probleme grandissant," Le Nouveau Samedi, 20-26 March 1965, pp. 1, 14-17;