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November 15 Hamilton George Hislop […]




November 15 Hamilton George Hislop and Cil Pinkett of CHAT addressed about fifty students at McMaster University on the subject of homosexuality and gay liberation. The meeting was seen as a step towards organizing a gay group at the University but no one in the audience admitted to being gay or came forward to start a local group. Although attempts had been made to start a homophile group at McMaster from at least March 1971, they had been unsuccessful. Later, stimulated by this visit, Dr. John Stewart and Susan Rosenthal decided to form a gay liberation organization at McMaster University. Several meetings followed and the Hamilton-McMaster Gay Liberation Movement (GLM) emerged in January 1973. (see also January 1973.)

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January Hamilton The […]

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Susan RosenthalJohn StewartCil PinkettGeorge Hislop

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Hamilton-McMaster Gay Liberation Movement GLM, McMaster Homophile Association MHACommunity Homophile Association of Toronto CHAT

All Citations

S.S. Que Hee, "The Chronology of Events during the Existence of the Hamilton McMaster and McMaster Homophile Associations 1972-1977," unpublished typescript, September 1977, 82-013, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto, p, 2."No Offers to Organize McMaster Homosexual Club," Hamilton Spectator, home ed,, 16 November 1972, p, 14;"Hamilton-McMaster GLM Founded," Body Politic, no, 8 (1973), p, 20;"Epidemicus Homophilius," Gayokay, no, 2 (1971), pp, 2-3;