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John Lee


John Lee

John A. Lee

John Alan Lee


John Alan Lee was a professor of sociology in Toronto and a prominent gay rights activist. He was the first Canadian professor to profess his homosexuality, which he did on television on Valentine's Day in 1974. He helped found Canadian chapters of the Gay Academic Union, especially the University of Toronto chapter which formed in September 1975. In 1975 he also offered a University of Toronto Continuing Education course entitled "The Gay Experience: A Sociological Perspective." His 1978 book Getting Sex was controversial for explicit depictions of gay sex. From Aug. 20-22 1979, he took part in a "Gay sit-in for Justice" in the waiting room of the offices of the Ontario Attorney General, Roy McMurtry.

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March 31 Toronto Five gay activists […]February 25 Toronto Gerald Hannon […]December 13 Toronto Gay community […]August 20–22 Toronto Seven activists […]April 5 Toronto The Metropolitan […]June 19 Toronto John Alan Lee was […]April Don Mills, Ont. John Alan […]January 27 Hamilton, Ont. Professor […]Palm Springs, Calif. John Alan Lee's […]January Toronto Canada's first […]September 9 Toronto John Alan Lee of […]Summer Binghamton, N.Y. John Alan […]October 9-December 11 Toronto […]September Toronto A chapter of the […]November 29-30 New York, N.Y. The […]Autumn Toronto A weekly gay studies […]February 14 Toronto Professor John […]April 11, 14, 15 Toronto A series of […]

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Pseudo-intellectual BiasLiterary Lynching? (letter)Meeting Males by MailIn Gay CompanyGay Academic Union: Toronto Group FormsGay Life Not a Shadow WorldForbidden Colors of Love: Patterns of Gay Love and Gay Liberation

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Getting Sex: A New Approach—More Fun, Less Guilt