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March 8 Toronto George Hislop and […]




March 8 Toronto George Hislop and Peter Maloney attended "Changing Attitudes for the Eighties: A Conference on Police/Community Relations," held at the Hotel Triumph, to put forward the concerns of gay people. Gay representatives had not been invited to the conference, sponsored by the Liaison Group on Law Enforcement and Race Relations, which concerned itself only with relations between police and visible minorities. Hislop and Maloney were able to make a presentation on the problems of gay youth during a workshop on Youth and Law Enforcement. They were also able to speak informally with Attorney General Roy McMurtry, who was the keynote speaker at the dinner, to encourage him to call a meeting with representatives of the gay community. (See also March 31, 1980.)

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March 31 Toronto Five gay activists […]

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Roy McMurtryP.M. (Peter Maloney)George Hislop

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"Gays Not Invited, but Turn Up Anyway," Body Politic, no. 62 (1980), p. 16.