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March 31 Toronto Five gay activists […]




March 31 Toronto Five gay activists (Chris Bearchell, Rev. Brent Hawkes, George Hislop, John Alan Lee, and Peter Maloney) met with Ontario Attorney General Roy McMurtry and two assistants to discuss concerns of the gay community that were not "before the courts." The conversation focused on police entrapment, street violence against gays, police surveillance of the gay community, and the issue of civilian review of complaints against police.

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March 8 Toronto George Hislop and […]

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Roy McMurtryP.M. (Peter Maloney)John LeeGeorge HislopBrent HawkesChris Bearchell

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"While Over at the Attorney-General's Office," It's Your Move, 3, no. 1 (15 April 1980): 3–4."Liaison Discussed at McMurtry Meet," Body Politic, no. 63 (1980), p. 11