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January 15 Toronto Fifty gay men and […]




January 15 Toronto Fifty gay men and lesbians met to form Gay Lobby, a group to coordinate lobbying efforts regarding gay issues at the Ontario Legislature, and specifically to persuade Ontario MPPs to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. A coordinating committee was established, composed of three gay men and three lesbians, including George Hislop of CHAT, Brent Hawkes of MCC, John Argue, and Francie Wyland of WDL.

All Places

Queen's Park Ontario Legislature Legislative Assembly of OntarioToronto

All People

Francie WylandJohn B. ArgueBrent HawkesGeorge Hislop

All Organizations

Wages Due LesbiansMetropolitan Community Church MCC TorontoCommunity Homophile Association of Toronto CHATGay Lobby

All Citations

"Gay Lobby Formed," Metro Community News 5 (February 1978): 8."Bad News/Good News," Body Politic, no. 41 (1978), p. 1