May 17 Toronto CGRO held a press […]
May 17 Toronto CGRO held a press conference at the Ontario Legislature to present its brief Discrimination and the Gay Minority to the media. Reaction was mixed; Norman Webster devoted a positive column in the Globe and Mail to the brief and Stuart Smith's endorsement of it, while Claire Hoy published a negative opinion, "Homosexuals Far from Harmless," in the Toronto Sun. An editorial in the Toronto Star supported the inclusion of "sexual orientation" in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
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Queen's Park Ontario Legislature Legislative Assembly of OntarioTorontoAll People
Claire HoyStuart SmithNorman WebsterAll Organizations
Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario CGROAll Periodicals
Toronto Daily Star; Toronto StarToronto SunThe Globe and Mail, The Globe MagazineAll Articles
Homosexuals Far from HarmlessAll Monograph
Ontario Human Rights CodeDiscrimination and the Gay MinorityAll Citations
Norman Webster, "Hot Topic Coolly Handled," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 18 May 1978, p. 7.Tom Warner, "He Praises 'Positive View' of Homosexuals" (letter), Toronto Star, four star ed., 1 June 1978, p. A9"Minorities Have Civil Rights as Well" (editorial), Toronto Star, Saturday ed., 20 May 1978, p. C2Bill Lewis, "CGRO Brief Prompts Media Support for Code Change," Body Politic, no. 44 (1978), p. 5Claire Hoy, "Homosexuals Far from Harmless" (column), Toronto Sun, 18 May 1978, p. 34Chris Bearchell, "Just Give Them a Classy Looking Brief, and They'll Eat Out of Your Hand," Body Politic, no. 44 (1978), p. 5