February 19 Halifax, Montréal […]
February 19 Halifax, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver Dozens of lesbians and gays participated in demonstrations held to protest the CBC's discriminatory policy prohibiting the broadcast of gay public service announcements. This was the first nationally organized gay demonstration, coordinated by the NGRC, and was seen as a milestone for the Canadian gay movement. These demonstrations were so successful that the NGRC decided to intervene in all future licence-renewal applications made by the CBC before the CRTC.
All Events
January 7 Halifax In a letter to GAE […]All Places
VancouverWinnipegTorontoOttawaMontrealHalifaxAll Organizations
Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications CommissionNational Gay Rights Coalition Coalition nationale pour les droits des homosexuels NGRC CNDH, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition / Coalition canadienne pour les droits des lesbiennes et des gais (CLGRC / CCDLG)Canadian Broadcasting CorporationAll Citations
Tom Workman, "Gay Activists March on CBC," Ryersonian (Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto), 22 February 1977, p. 2.Danielle Thys, "Gays to Protest CBC Policy," Georgian (Concordia Univ., Montréal), 4 February 1977, p. 1Danielle Thys, "Gays Protest at CBC," Georgian (Concordia Univ., Montréal), 25 February 1977, p. 11Yvon Thivierge, "Radio-Canada et les gais," Gay Montréal, 1, no. 23 (22 February 1977): 4Paul-François Sylvestre, "L'Homosexualité: Un sujet 'controversé' à Radio-Canada," Gay Montréal, 1, no. 23 (22 February 1977): 5Rae Resnick, "CBC Rapped by Gays for Alleged Discrimination," Sunday Express (Montréal), 20 February 1977, p. 17"Radio-Canada est-elle à l'écoute?" Gay Montréal, 1, no. 25 (22 March 1977): 18Bruce McLeod, "Gays in Protest Over CBC Ad 'Discrimination': Policy Decision," Ottawa Journal, 21 February 1977, p. 3Harvey MacKinnon and Valerie Mansour, "Canadian Broadcasting Closet," Gay Tide, no. 15 (1977), p. 1"Homosexuals Say CBC Discriminates," Ottawa Today, 16 November 1977, p. 14"Great Events: Gay Demo and Dance," Toronto Star, four star ed., 17 February 1977, p. E4"Gays Want Public Service Announcements on CBC," Ottawa Citizen, 16 November 1977, p. 5"Gays to Fight CBC," Georgian (Concordia Univ., Montréal), 8 November 1977, p. 10"Gays Picket CBC Across Country," McGill Daily (McGill Univ., Montréal), 25 February 1977, p. 3"Gays Hit Back at New CBC Ban," Gay Rising, February 1977, pp. 1, 3David Garmaise and Michael Lynch, "Gays in Six Cities Protest: CBC Bans Public Service Ads," Body Politic, no. 31 (1977), p. 1David Garmaise, "Gay Groups to Intervene in CBC Licence Renewals," Body Politic, no. 32 (1977), p. 6John Duggan, "Gays vs. CBC," NGRC Forum, 2, no. 2 (Spring 1977): (1)John Duggan, "Gays Picket CBC," GO Info, 4, no. 2 (March 1977): 1, 3John Duggan, "Gays & CBC," GO Info, 4, no. 3 (May 1977): 2Ron Doyle, "Montreal Gays Join Cross Canada Protest against CBC," McGill Daily (McGill Univ., Montréal), 21 February 1977, p. 1"Discrimination by CBC in Its Public Services Policy Provokes Protests in 6 Cities Coast-to-Coast," Metro Community News 4 (March 1977): 2"Demonstration! Demonstration! Demonstration! Demonstration!" SEARCH Newsletter, February 1977, p. 3"CBC Policies Prod Gay Demonstration," McGill Daily (McGill Univ., Montréal), 8 February 1977, p. 3"CBC Just Isn't Happy about the Word 'Gay,'" Ottawa Journal, 16 November 1977, p. 55"The CBC and Its 'Defence' of Public Decency" (editorial), McGill Daily (McGill Univ., Montréal), 7 February 1977, p. 4