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December 17 Canada Ian Young's […]




December 17 Canada Ian Young's article "Gay in the Seventies" was published in Weekend Magazine. It was an overview of the development of gay liberation in Canada since the 1960s and featured a famous colour centrefold photograph of twenty-one prominent Canadian gays and lesbians. Weekend was carried as a supplement in thirty-two newspapers across Canada, with a total circulation of 1.7 million. The article provoked a large reader response, between one and two hundred letters, which was largely negative. A Weekend poll of Canadian attitudes towards homosexuality, published in the same issue, found that 47 percent of Canadians felt that homosexuality was more an illness than a preference.

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Ian Young

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The Globe and Mail, The Globe Magazine

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Gay in the Seventies

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Ian Young, "Gay in the Seventies," Weekend Magazine, 17 December 1977, pp. 10–14.The Weekend Poll, "Most Canadians Think Homosexuals Are 'Sick People,'" Weekend Magazine, 17 December 1977, p. 2"Monitor" (column), Body Politic, no. 40 (1978), p. 18