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August 9 Toronto At a press […]




August 9 Toronto At a press conference held at the CHAT centre, Tom Warner, coordinator of CGRO, charged that some press accounts of the recent murder of Emanuel Jaques had transferred guilt onto the entire gay community by using such terms as "homosexual orgy." Warner asked that civic leaders, particularly Mayor David Crombie, issue public statements to dispel these false accusations. He also asked that any attempt to "clean up" the Yonge Street body-parlour strip not include a drive against gay people. (Shortly after the Jaques murder, Ontario Attorney-General Roy McMurtry had called for the re-introduction of vagrancy laws as a way to eliminate male street prostitution in Toronto.) At the same conference, George Hislop, the president of CHAT, charged that the press had neglected to report accurately his role in bringing about the arrest of Saul David Betesh, one of the accused men. Hislop was the target of several death threats after the Jaques murder; death or bomb threats were also telephoned to the CHAT Centre, the Body Politic, to GATE, the 519 Church Street Community Centre, and to Glad Day Bookshop. In the weeks following the Emanuel Jaques murder, some journalists such as Peter Worthington and Claire Hoy, both of the Toronto Sun, would claim that gay activists were to blame for Jaques's murder.

All Events

August 8 Toronto A massive […]August 1 Toronto Emanuel Jaques, a […]

All Places

Yonge StreetGlad Day Bookshop519 Community CentreCHAT CentreToronto

All People

Claire HoyPeter WorthingtonSaul BeteshGeorge HislopRoy McMurtryDavid CrombieEmanuel JaquesTom Warner

All Organizations

Community Homophile Association of Toronto CHATCoalition for Gay Rights in Ontario CGRO

All Periodicals

Toronto SunThe Body Politic

All Citations

Tom Warner, "Crackdown Gone Too Far, CGRO, Politicians Protest," Body Politic, no. 38 (1977), p. 21.Ken Popert, "Decent Homosexuals," Body Politic, no. 45 (1978), p. 8Michael Lynch, "Press Accuses Gay Activists of Jaques Murder," Body Politic, no. 37 (1977), p. 5Michael Lynch, "Media Fosters Bigotry with Murder Coverage: After OHRC Recommends Gay Rights," Body Politic, no. 36 (1977), pp. 1, 4Claire Hoy, "McMurtry Alarmed at Male Hooker Numbers," Toronto Sun, 11 August 1977, p. 2Claire Hoy, "Gay Whining Falls on Deaf Ears," Toronto Sun, 10 August 1977, p. 16"Don't Condemn Us with Strip: Homosexuals," Toronto Star, four star ed., 10 August 1977, p. B1