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Spring Vancouver The Archives […]


1976-03 – 1976-05


Spring Vancouver The Archives Collective was formed to collect, preserve, and make available archival materials relating to LGBT people in British Columbia. Some of the collected materials were deposited in the special collections section of the University of British Columbia Library, others were shipped to the Canadian Gay Archives in Toronto. Beginning at about the same time, Ron Dutton began to collect material related to LGBT people in British Columbia, and worked independently from the Collective (they were, in fact, unacquainted). In 1983, Dutton discovered the Collective, which had shrunk to one person and was about to close. Dutton was revitalized in his quest to collect material and formally established the B.C. Gay and Lesbian Archives, which remains one of the major community-based LGBT archives in Canada.

All Places

TorontoUniversity of British ColumbiaVancouver

All People

Ron Dutton

All Organizations

B.C. Gay and Lesbian ArchivesCanadian Gay Liberation Movement Archives, The Canadian Gay Archives, Canadian Lesbian and Gay ArchivesThe Archives Collective

All Citations

Ken Tomilson, "Preserving Our Past: B.C. Gay and Lesbian Archives Details Our Lives for Posterity," Xtra West, no. 121 (April 2, 1998), pp. 14–15."Gay Archives," VGCC News, 4, no. 1 (January 1983): 15Ron Dutton, e-mail to Don McLeod, May 21, 2014