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January 18—19 Toronto About sixty […]


1975-01-18 – 1975-01-19


January 18—19 Toronto About sixty people attended the founding conference of the Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario (CGRO), held at the Don Vale Community Centre. Nine groups from five Ontario cities were represented officially; four other political and social service organizations sent delegations, CGRO was formed at the initiative of Tom Warner of GATE (Toronto) to work for law reform in Ontario at the provincial level, and particularly towards the amendment of the Ontario Human Rights Code to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation. The formation of CGRO marked the first time that gay and lesbian groups in Ontario had really united to work towards a common purpose. In 1987 the group changed its name to the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario/ Coalition pour les droits des lesbiennes et des hommes gais en Ontario (CLGRO/CDLGO). (see also February 22, 1975.)

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February 19-22 Ottawa Mart Crowley's […]May 20 Waterloo, Ont. A GATE […]

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DonVale Community CentreToronto

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Tom Warner

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Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario CGRO

All Citations

"Rights Coalition to Form," Metro Community News 1 (17 May 1974): 1.Ken Popert, "All Together Now," Body Politic, no. 17 (1975), p. 10;"Ontario Gay Rights Coalition Formed," Body Politic, no. 17 (1975), p. 6;"Ontario Coalition," Gay Tide 2 (March 1975): 11;Wendy Johnston, "Ontario Gay Rights Coalition Formed," Labor Challenge, 10 February 1975, p. 10;"Gay Coalitions Form," GO Info 2 (March 1975): 4;Margaret Fulford, ed.. The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960–1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960–1990: guide de ressources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives/ ECW Press, 1992), entries 371, 1011;"Coalition Unites Ontario Movement," Gay Rising 1 (March 1975): 4;Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario (CGRO) papers, 82—016 and 83—012, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;