August 17 Toronto More than 100 […]
August 17 Toronto More than 100 people participated in a march from Allan Gardens to Queen's Park and back to launch Gay Pride Week (August 17-25). The march was organized to focus attention on efforts to include sexual orientation in the Ontario Human Rights Code. The parade was covered by the Toronto Sun and the Globe and Mail; this was the first time that major mainstream newspapers covered a Gay Pride march in Toronto.
All Places
Queen's Park Ontario Legislature Legislative Assembly of OntarioAllan GardensTorontoAll Periodicals
The Globe and Mail, The Globe MagazineToronto SunAll Monograph
Ontario Human Rights CodeAll Citations
"Spirited March Launches Gay Pride Week," Body Politic, no. 15 (1974), p. 6.K.D. Popert, "Civil Rights Marchers" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 30 August 1974, p. 6;Terry Phillips, "Toronto Gay Pride," Gay Tide 2 (Autumn 1974): 10;"Gays March to Queen's Park," Toronto Sun, final ed., 16 August 1974, p. 2;"Gays, Greeks Demonstrate at Legislature," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 19 August 1974, p. 5;Gillean Chase, "Gay Pride? Week," Other Woman 3 (August 1974): 16 (reprinted inLong Time Coming2[December 1974]:28-29);