December 2 Montréal Twenty people […]
December 2 Montréal Twenty people attended the first service of L'Église communautaire de Montreal/Montreal Community Church (ECM/MCC), held at the Gay Community Centre, 3439, rue St. Denis. Rev. Bob Wolfe of MCC (Toronto) conducted the first service. In 1974, Rev. Rainier became the group's first pastor. By February 1975 ECM/MCC was meeting regularly on Sundays at the YMCA Chapel, 1441, rue Drummond, was providing counselling services, and had started a newsletter (Montréalités). By December 1975 the church had about ninety members.
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August Vancouver The first issue of […]All Places
YMCA MontrealGay Community Centre MontrealMontrealAll People
RainierBob WolfeAll Organizations
Metropolitan Community Church MCC TorontoL'Eglise communautaire de Montreal (ECM)/Montreal Community Church (MCC)All Periodicals
MontréalitésAll Citations
"MCC Services Begin in Montreal Sunday," Metro Community News 1 (1 December 1973): 3."Gays at 'Y'?: Why Not!" Gay-Zette 2 (June 1975): 3;"L'Eglise communautaire de Montreal — Montreal Community Church Moves to New Home," Montréalités 1 (February 1975): 1, 3;"L'Eglise communautaire de Montreal/ Montreal Community Church (ECM/MCC)" vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;"Editorial," Montréalités 1 (November 1975-January 1976): 3;"Church Opens in Montreal," Body Politic, no. 11 (1974), p. 5;"The Church on the Move," Metro Community News 1 (13 September 1974): 1;"The Chaplain's Corner: What Is MCC?" Gay News 2 (January 1974): 4;John Blacklock, "Local Church Group Is Two Years Old," Montreal Gay Times 1 (December 1975): 8;